Sunday, June 10, 2007

workin' like a dawg

ack ack just promised my friend i would finish the baby blanket by the 30th ack i thought i had till the fall ack! her brother and s-i-l are coming then & she wants to present it then! i just spent most of the week/weekend on it; started with 21" ended with 30" for a rate of 9" on the week. it has to be 41"+3", fringe notwithstanding, so can i finish in 20 days, keeping in mind that i will be in Baltimore from June 20-25 and cannot work on it????

irony of ironies, i just found out saturday was "knit in public day." well i sure did--all freakin' day @ the campsite! we went camping, btw!

so much for the sweater for myself, sigh. i got as far as half a pocket before this latest development. dammit, july is MINE for ME.

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