Wednesday, September 19, 2007

work stoppages

So I'm knitting along for the Red Scarf Project, busting my hump a little to get it done by Oct. 1st (well as much as I can with my wrist flareup), and I up and read that they're probably going to be innundated with scarves this year. They got more than they needed last year, and the project has gotten even more publicity, so they're going to be swamped

much like Pringle has been, in the photo. So I made the executive decision to suspend work on the scarf, and repurpose it for Christmas gift giving. It kinda sucks, because I love the idea of that charity, but they don't need my help.

To assuage my guilt, I immediately cast on a pair of mittens for Afghans for Afghans:

and finished them in two days. Oh yeah, I've got the mitten mojo. Except that the one thumb is a row shorter than the other. Magic!!!

And I treated myself to another knitting bag, cause sssheriousthly, can you EVAR have teeewww maneee? NOPE to the NOPES, people.

So pretty, and with a 50% coupon from Michaels, you can NOT go wrong.

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